Social Media in Burli

Our team at Burli Software had our start in radio newsrooms, and have always proudly supported news radio in Canada, the US, and around the world.  But what happens when the face of radio itself changes?

The past few years have certainly shown an ever increasing collaboration between radio and social media.  As terrestrial radio continues to try and differentiate itself in a world of satellite radio, podcasting, and other media, it has worked hard to stay up to date.  Now radio journalists are often reaching listeners not only through their audio, but through the emerging social media technologies that have stormed the internet for the past decade.

In the Burli Newsroom system, we offer fast and easy ways to link your news to the online world.  With a little configuration, we can post to Twitter and SoundCloud today.

Posting to Twitter

 When it comes to rapidly sharing short bursts of text, nothing compares to Twitter.  Often turned to as a source of breaking news itself, Twitter has taken an unexpected place in the world of journalism as it fulfills a function that it was never designed for – sharing of categorized news and events at unprecedented speed across the globe.  Why not take advantage and be part of that conversation?

Burli allows for very fast posting to Twitter.  From within the Newsroom software, right-click an item in the In-Queue (or any selected text) and select Send to Twitter from the menu, or press Ctrl+Shift+T.

You will be presented with a New Tweet dialogue.

From this handy little window, go ahead and edit the text of your Tweet (it can be different than what remains in Burli).  Your character count remaining will update as you type, letting you know when you will reach the limit (you won’t be allowed to post an illegal length Tweet).  Choose any or all the available Twitter accounts your System Administrator has set up for you, and click Send.  Your Tweet will go out right away!

We even allow for URL shortening to save you some character count.  As you input a valid URL (starting with either http:// or https://), Burli will reserve up to 23 characters regardless of the length of the URL. At that point, any more characters in the URL will not count towards the character count.  Once the Tweet has been sent to Twitter, it will automatically be converted to a shortened URL.

Posting to SoundCloud

For audio sharing, SoundCloud has risen very quickly as a recognized leader online.  Posting to SoundCloud is supported directly in Burli, and is just as easy as Twitter.   Pick any audio file, right click, and select Upload to SoundCloud.

You will get a Share dialogue pop-up.  You can give your file a different name on SoundCloud than it had in Burli, and attach a graphic.

Click the Upload button, and Done when the upload is complete.  Your file will now be on SoundCloud’s server, and visible on their site.


Ingesting Social Media Sources

Finally, we also allow for use of social media as a source of news – it’s a great way to get current information onto your machine, sometimes even faster than a newswire!

In Burli Newsroom, your System Administrator can add Twitter to the Filter Tree, where it will act like any other source of news.  Tweets will appear as stories you can capture, edit, and publish into your scripts.

In Burli NE, we also allow for ingest of SoundCloud, Facebook, and YouTube on top of all the capabilities described above for Newsroom.

Introducing Burli Newsroom 248i! Upgrade now for an enhanced experience!