Newsroom Requirements

Technical info

Operating system

Burli Newsroom runs on standard Windows PCs running either Windows 10 or Windows 11. Burli also works well on both Windows Server 2019 and 2022 with no known issues.

However, we understand some other widely used broadcast systems are not yet Windows 11/Server 2022 compatible and recommend checking with your other equipment vendors before deciding between Windows 11 or Windows 10.

Windows 8.x, 7, Server 2008R2, Server 2003 (and all earlier versions of Windows) are no longer supported because Microsoft’s support for them has ended. Burli Newsroom (and important 3rd-party drivers) may no longer work reliably on these operating systems for reasons beyond our control.

Computer hardware

Burli Software does not supply the computers for its systems, but virtually any current server, PC or laptop capable of running current editions of Windows will run Burli Newsroom with ease. This includes older Apple Intel hardware via Boot Camp. Newer Apple silicon processors (M1, M2 and variants) do not support Boot Camp.

Burli Software also advises against using “Netbook” style machines for Burli products. These machines are often equipped with entry-level processors paired with eMMC storage, which can cause performance bottlenecks and general system instability (especially if other applications are open, such as email clients or web browsers).

We strongly recommend that you consult with technical staff at Burli Software or your local reseller if you have questions about any non-standard equipment or configurations.

Audio over IP

Burli Newsroom is widely deployed worldwide with IP-Audio systems from both Axia and Wheatstone. Burli relies on the standard audio drivers provided by the manufacturers. Multi-channel audio AoIP drivers are supported. Burli also offers soft logic (GPIO over IP) for both systems.

System requirements

Workstation MinimumWorkstation RecommendedServer Recommended
OSWindows 10Windows 11Windows Server 2022 / 2025 (or 2019)
CPU (2024 Examples)Intel Core i3-14100 / Ryzen 5 (Pentium/Celeron not recommended)Intel Core i5-14600 / Ryzen 7Multi Core Processor (i5, i7, i9, Xeon, R7, R9)
RAM8GB Memory16GB Memory16GB+ Memory
Hard Drive50GB Free HDD Space160GB Free SSD Space500GB Free HDD Space
Display17" 1280x1024 19" or larger widescreen-
LAN Speed100Mb switched1Gb or faster to switch1Gb or faster to switch
AudioStandard Windows WDM audio device or qualified AoIP driverProsumer or pro sound card, or qualified AoIP with WDM driverStandard Windows audio device or qualified AOIP with WDM driver. For audio ingest multi-channel device(s) or AoIP driver recommended

Network configurations

Newsroom is designed to work within a standard LAN network environment, enabling collaboration among newsroom team members. The following information will help you determine the kind of network architecture your newsroom is likely to need. Please keep in mind that these examples are only generic samples.

Stand-Alone Machine

A complete Burli Newsroom system can run on a single PC. Often that will be a reporter’s laptop, but it can also be a single PC that simultaneously handles data capture, text and audio editing, and broadcast/automation system integration. This configuration is ideal for bureaus or for freelancers working from a home office. A stand-alone installation includes full Virtual Newsroom tools and so can connect to other newsrooms or bureaus for manual or automated sharing of news data.

Modest Newsrooms

Newsrooms of fewer than a handful of workstations will benefit from Newsroom’s distributed data management capabilities. Data ingest functions (newswires, Twitter feeds, audio feeds, e-mail, etc) can be distributed so that each journalist’s workstation takes responsibility for some data management duties. This management happens transparently in the background, and users can continue with text and audio editing at the same time. Due to limitations imposed by Microsoft, newsrooms of more than about eight workstations must run a Windows Server operating system on at least one machine, but capture functions can still be distributed across standard journalist workstations running standard versions of Windows.

Large Newsrooms

Many Burli installations have thirty or more workstations and a great variety of data pouring into the system around the clock. Any newsroom of more than about 7 or 8 PCs will require a dedicated file server and, optionally, redundancy tools to ensure one or more back-up file servers are always available. Data ingest, news audio logging, and data archiving generally take place across dedicated capture PCs (the main server can often perform some of these functions as well). Large newsrooms that share a great deal of data with other sites or have many journalists working remotely may also find one or more dedicated Virtual Newsroom servers worthwhile.